利用 Bytebase 与 Terraform 实现 TiDB Cloud 的一站式变更管理
TiDB Cloud 实现秒级的数据库实例供给
Bytebase 针对 TiDB Cloud 的一站式数据库变更管理方案
Bytebase 已全面支持 TiDB Cloud
以 DevOps 理念设计的变更管理流程
自动审核能力大幅提升 SQL 审核质量与效率
与代码管理平台集成实现 GitOps 的变更管理流程
利用 Terraform 实现 TiDB Cloud 实例的完整管理
利用 Terraform 管理 TiDB Cloud 实例的供给与配置
terraform {
required_providers {
tidbcloud = {
source = "tidbcloud/tidbcloud"
# Instructions for getting an API Key
# https://docs.pingcap.com/tidbcloud/api/v1beta#section/Authentication/API-Key-Management
# You can also pass the keys through environment variables:
# export TIDBCLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY = "fake_public_key"
# export TIDBCLOUD_PRIVATE_KEY = "fake_private_key"
provider "tidbcloud" {
public_key = "fake_public_key"
private_key = "fake_private_key"
利用 Terraform 将 TiDB 实例纳入 Bytebase 变更管理流程中
# Configure the Bytebase Provider
terraform {
required_providers {
bytebase = {
version = "0.0.7-alpha.3"
# For local development, please use "terraform.local/bytebase/bytebase" instead
source = "registry.terraform.io/bytebase/bytebase"
provider "bytebase" {
# You need to replace the account and key with your Bytebase service account.
service_account = "your service account"
service_key = "your service key"
# The Bytebase service URL. You can use the external URL in production.
# Check the docs about external URL: https://www.bytebase.com/docs/get-started/install/external-url
url = "your bytebase console url"